From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps
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Refactor data - COBOL Tutorial
From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps
Refactor data
- [Instructor] Getting the data structures right is a crucial part of any migration. The file structures will usually be refactored by designing a completely new database schema, and either running a data conversion routine or incrementally moving the data into areas of the new database. Working storage is just as important as file structures, as a well structured and clear set of working storage variables makes for a great start to a smooth transition. We've already seen how we can make a program more understandable by renaming a variable when we changed I One to WS permutation index. While it's more of a boast, it means more to the person who has to maintain and migrate the code in a few years' time. Another common way to improve the reliability of legacy code is to replace a variable which stores the result of a calculation or query with a call to a functional section, which will calculate the value as required. This…
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Prepare to refactor code1m 56s
Refactor the DESR application8m 25s
Remove redundant labels1m 19s
Resize applications1m 30s
Make code segments generic5m 30s
Challenge: Refactoring32s
Solution: Refractoring3m 14s
Introduce structure through subprograms2m 39s
Remove dead code3m 27s
Refactor data1m 58s
The challenges of migrating to a relational database4m 4s
Refactoring, continuous integration, and self-testing3m 52s
Observations on the paradigm shift2m 21s
The refactoring catalog2m 44s