From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps
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Run GnuCOBOL on Linux - COBOL Tutorial
From the course: Migrating COBOL Apps
Run GnuCOBOL on Linux
- [Instructor] GnuCOBOL formerly known as OpenCOBOL is a popular COBOL compiler which can run on both Windows and Linux. This downloads is a seven z compressed file which can be used in the Windows environment through the Cygwin package. However, it runs natively in the Linux environment and that's not only a simpler install, but also more relevant for production migration. In the command shell on Windows, I can access my Linux subsystem by simply typing ubuntu2004. We can now install the new COBOL using apt. This brings in the new COBOL version 2.2, but that's fine for what we need. I'll type sudo apt install gnucobol and I'll put my password in. This will take a while as it also has to install the dependencies. Okay, that's finished. Let's confirm we have COBOL active now by typing cobc -version. And we have GnuCOBOL version 2.2 installed and running. There are later versions. There's a stable 3.1 and 4.0 is out…
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