From the course: Nano Tips for Charismatic Communication with Ravi Rajani

How to communicate with high-conflict people

From the course: Nano Tips for Charismatic Communication with Ravi Rajani

How to communicate with high-conflict people

- Do you struggle with confrontational conversations? If so, try these three steps. Step one, let them finish what they're saying, lean in and truly listen without judgment. Step two, ask an open-ended question to seek understanding. For example, can you tell me about the moment when you realized that you felt so strongly about this topic? Remember, your job is to absorb their story and not just hear them, but truly listen. Step three, repeat back what you've heard using their language, and then ask a question which promotes a two-way conversation. It sounds as though XYZ is super important to you, would you be open to hearing my perspective on this topic? Being open to exploring different perspectives and truly listening to somebody without judgment is an incredible way to have a two-way meaningful conversation.
