From the course: Navigating Employee Relations as an HR Professional

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C.L.O.S.E and act

C.L.O.S.E and act

Everyone, thanks for attending the employee relations show. The show is over, the curtain is closed, and now it's time to clear the set. Can your team live happily ever after? Luckily, there's a happily ever after checklist. You've arrived at the point where an employee relations concern has been reviewed and requires closure and possible action. Regardless of how simple an issue may have started after categorization and exploration, you may conclude that several closure options are needed. I will equip you with a short closure inventory to be used and tailored to align with your employee relations issues. No matter complexity or scope, you can use this method to ensure you've done the best you can to close and resolve employee relations. Remember that checklist I mentioned? Well, that checklist consists of five items and simply forms the word CLOSE, that is, bringing closure and confirming that you've been consistent, noted lessons learned, maintained objectivity, been succinct and…
