From the course: Navigating Employee Relations as an HR Professional
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Storytelling with data
From the course: Navigating Employee Relations as an HR Professional
Storytelling with data
British mathematician, Lord Kelvin roughly said, "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." In just about every corner of life, there's a measure, statistic or number attached to daily activities. These activities range from economics to sports. Humans have goals that rely on those numbers. Goals for everything from the very personal like weight or the very competitive like who can eat the most hot dogs in one sitting. Humans, if not happy with a particular number, actively work to change those numbers and are often prepared with the 'why' related to the desired change. Human resource data is no different. Although there are many people data points, let's focus on recruitment and turnover. Recruitment costs, also known as cost to hire, typically include any cost associated with hiring from the time a job is posted until when a new hire joins the organization. Cost of hire can be impacted by the time it takes to fill a role, what sources are being utilized, and how quickly a new…
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