From the course: Particular 4 for After Effects Essential Training
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Animating a fluid system emitter
From the course: Particular 4 for After Effects Essential Training
Animating a fluid system emitter
- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to look at how to tie an emitter to the motion of an object as it moves through the scene, so that our particles fluidly move and make it look as though that object is causing turbulence in the water. So if I grab my current time indicator here and move back to the beginning of the timeline, you'll notice the submarine has not moved. If I scrub through the timeline you can see I've got particles that are coming out of the sub but, again, there's no motion. So let's start by animating the position of the submarine. But before we do that, since we're going to be tying the emitter to the sub, I want to make note of where the anchor point is. So I'm going to go ahead and select layer three, which is our sub layer, and just so I can see the handles of that layer, I'll go ahead and enable this button in the lower left corner of the composition panel. And here you can see I've got my anchor point on the right hand side. If you need to reposition the…
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