From the course: Particular 4 for After Effects Essential Training
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Creating bounce interactions
From the course: Particular 4 for After Effects Essential Training
Creating bounce interactions
- [Instructor] This is the video where we get to create some bounce interactions using dynamics within Particular. Now, just so you have it as a reference, I did include a reference comp where all of the particle system is built. And just so we didn't have to start from scratch, I created another comp that we can use to start from. So I'll double-click on the '01 bounce start' composition, and I'll drag my current time indicator to about four seconds, and you should notice that I've got these particles emitting in a row, and yes, I've already got the particles emitting. So if I stop my current time indicator at four seconds, select layer one, and go to the effect controls panel in here, you'll notice my emitter type is a grid, and I have the direction spread set to 39. It is directional, the velocity's set to 310. It's slightly random in the velocity, 20 percent. And if you scroll down here under 'emitter size', on the 'X' it's 2359, 'Y' it's 211, and 'Z' it's 500. The way I got these…
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