From the course: Particular 4 for After Effects Essential Training

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Refining the system

Refining the system

- [Instructor] Once you have an initial particle system set up with your first emitter, you'll probably want to refine how the particles are being emitted. And that's exactly what we're going to do in this video. So if you look at our project here, notice I have a clump of particles being emitted here from the top of this chimney. And I want to kind of refine this, so I'll start by selecting Layer One which is my Dark Gray Solid, and I'll go to the Effect Controls panel and I'll click on the Designer button. In here, you'll notice I get a preview of my particle system as it currently exists. Now, in the emitter section here, notice the Emitter Type is a Point emitter. Which is what I want. I want these particles to emit from a point but I want the particles to emit in an upwards trend, kind of like it's coming out of the top of the chimney. So to do that, I need to change the motion of the emitter, so let's click on the Motion block. Notice when I click on the Motion block under my…
