From the course: PHP with MySQL Essential Training: 1 The Basics

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- [Instructor] At the beginning of this chapter, I introduced you to this acronym, CRUD, C-R-U-D. In this movie, we're going to learn how you implement CRUD in MySQL. You recall that CRUD is an acronym for the four most basic operations that we perform on databases, create, read, update and delete. And these are the four things that we're going to do over and over and over again with MySQL. So we need to learn the syntax that we can use to perform each one of these. And there's a specific syntax and it's different for each one. So, let's first start by looking at read. This is the one we're going to be performing the most often. The idea is that we're reading information back from the database. We do that far more often than we create, update or delete data. We're constantly reading data back. The way that we read data in MySQL with the select command. So select and then, we say what we want to bring back from the database table. I've got an asterisk because I want to bring back all…
