From the course: PHP with MySQL Essential Training: 1 The Basics
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Database APIs in PHP
From the course: PHP with MySQL Essential Training: 1 The Basics
Database APIs in PHP
- [Instructor] In this chapter, we will learn how to use PHP to issue database commands. PHP offers three different ways to connect to the MySQL database. API is the technical term for each of these connection options. API stands for application programming interface, and an API is just a set of functions, which define the way we use the software. Let's review these three APIs so that we can decide which one to use. The first is MySQL. This is just the original MySQL API, the most basic way that we can connect to MySQL. The second is MySQLI, the I stands for improved. So as you can guess, it came along after the first one. And then the third one is PDO, which is an abbreviation for PHP data objects. All three of these are extremely similar. And once you learn how to use one, you can easily switch to another. The differences are a lot like the difference between driving different kinds of cars, like a Honda or a Toyota, the controls for the windshield wipers and the headlights maybe in…
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