From the course: PHP with MySQL Essential Training: 1 The Basics

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Solution: Add pages

Solution: Add pages

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] I hope you were able to complete the challenge assignment. In this movie, I'm going to show you the solution that I came up with. Make sure that you watch it because they're going to be a few extra points that I want to make along the way. Let's start by looking at it in a browser, and then we'll look at the code, second. First, you can see that on the staff menu area, I've added a new link for my main menu, to pages. And when I click on that link, it takes me to staff pagesindex.PHP. And I've replaced the placeholder content that we had there with a list of the pages. So now I've got a list of pages, showing me the basic attributes of these four different pages we would potentially manage in the future. Now, eventually again, that'll be from a database, but right now we're just iterating through a sample list. So I've got a list of those and each one of those, you can see has an ID associated with it. And each one has a link that says view, that'll take…
