From the course: Power BI: Dashboards for Beginners
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Distinguish between dashboards and reports
From the course: Power BI: Dashboards for Beginners
Distinguish between dashboards and reports
- [Instructor] It would be remiss of me to prepare a course on dashboards without explaining what they are, or more importantly, the benefits that they can deliver. So what are dashboards? Generally speaking, dashboards are a graphical or illustrative way of presenting data to identify key insights, enabling decision makers to make more intentional business decisions. I actually want to pause at this point, and highlight something rather important. In the analytics world, whilst the term dashboard is often used to describe any kind of visualization summary. In Power BI speak, there's actually an important distinction that needs to be made between dashboards and reports. In Power BI, reports are detailed, often multi-aged interfaces that are used for creating visuals, applying filters, and exporting data for deeper analysis. And this step usually comes first with reports being produced in the Power BI desktop app. A dashboard, however, is purely the one-page interactive summary of key…
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