From the course: Power BI Data Modeling with DAX

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Check relationships

Check relationships

- [Instructor] This is the model, or as many people think of, the relationships view in Power BI Desktop for the Contoso Sales Sample. Here we see tables and the relationships between them. And there are a few things I'd like to point out to you here in this particular view. First, we have a main table here. This is the sales sample, and so it's the sales table. The sales table has information about sales in it. It has columns like product quantity, and price of the product. This table is our fact table, it's a data table. The other tables are supporting tables, they're called lookup tables. And so if I want to know information about the store that something was purchased in, it'll be in the storage table. The products or category those products are in, that's out here on this branch. When I add data into a model, several tables for example from SQL Server, or any other data sources that are related. Power BI Desktop…
