From the course: Power BI Data Modeling with DAX
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Create a measure with operators - Power BI Tutorial
From the course: Power BI Data Modeling with DAX
Create a measure with operators
- [Instructor] Let's return to the Sales table, because what we'd like to do is create a measure that would allow us to see our net sales. Net Sales are SalesAmount minus TotalCost, but also minus any DiscountAmount and any ReturnAmount. So, this is basic math and if we were in Excel, we would simply be clicking equal SalesAmount, minus TotalCost, minus DiscountAmount, minus ReturnAmount. But it's a little more complex than that here, because, remember, that every measure we create has to work in every context. And so we have to give it the context of a table and a column and a summarization method. Therefore, let's create a new measure. And the new measure that we're going to create will be Net Sales. Net Sales is equal to, and, right now if I start trying to enter SalesAmount, notice that I don't have a choice here of any column of data directly. I only have a choice of other measures. Don't start creating measures you…
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