From the course: Power BI Data Modeling with DAX

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DAX time intelligence functions

DAX time intelligence functions - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Data Modeling with DAX

DAX time intelligence functions

- [Instructor] Power BI includes built-in time intelligence functions. Time intelligence functions are used to be able to manipulate data using time periods, to filter results based on a particular time period, and to build calculations to compare results from one period to another, for example, one quarter to another, one year to another. There are some requirements to use the time intelligence functions. First, you have to be using a standard calendar. Many people will say the kind of calendar that hangs on your wall, January through December. And you have to have, in your model, a calendar table that includes all the dates in the period that you want to analyze. We have a table like that in our data set. Sometimes, people will create a table that's just their working days. That's not good enough. You can't skip weekends or holidays in this table. It has to account for every single date. So in a regular year,…
