From the course: Power BI Data Modeling with DAX
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Display the measure in a matrix - Power BI Tutorial
From the course: Power BI Data Modeling with DAX
Display the measure in a matrix
- [Instructor] Let's use this total sales measure that we created in a visualization. What I'd like to do is add a matrix because that gives me real numbers to look at as opposed to a beautiful chart visualization. They often look good to me whether they're correct or incorrect. So I'm going to choose total sales and notice that it gives me a chart. I'm simply with that chart visualization selected going to click on Matrix. And that is the total for total sales. But now I'd like to actually have total sales split out a little bit so that I'm looking at total sales by brand. So I'm going to choose brand name, total sales by brand. I'm going to give this a little bit more space so that it all works. And that looks beautiful. Here are my brands, here are our total sales. If I wanted to choose something other than brand I could. We could turn off brand and choose manufacturer. That looks good. Or I could choose…
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Create a measure with SUM2m 47s
Understanding DAX syntax1m 51s
Display the measure in a matrix1m 15s
Format a measure1m 33s
Create measures with COUNT and COUNTROWS3m 23s
Delete or edit a measure4m 29s
Check your data with COUNTBLANK1m 36s
Create a measure with DISTINCTCOUNT2m 28s