From the course: Power BI Essential Training
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Overview: Visualizations - Power BI Tutorial
From the course: Power BI Essential Training
Overview: Visualizations
- [Instructor] Now that we know how to get data, we can move on to creating reports, which are composed of visualizations. I'm going to scroll down on the Home tab to my retail analysis sample report and open it again, but this time I want to open it in Edit mode. You'll find the button here on the top above the report. Click Edit, and this is what the report editor looks like in Power BI. Our fields list loads, and also the visualizations gallery right here, which is really rich. What all of the visualizations in this report on all four pages have in common is that they are all based on this same data set right here. You and I can create reports from scratch. We can edit reports that already exist, and we can modify and manipulate the visualizations and existing reports. So it's useful to know what visualizations exist and what's possible with them. We see a number of visualizations in this report, many of which are familiar from Excel, but there are even more visualizations that are…
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Overview: Visualizations5m 14s
Work with visualizations in a report5m 30s
Create a new report2m 29s
Create and arrange visualizations4m 40s
Save and format a visualization7m 30s
Create chart visualizations6m 35s
Use text and map visualizations4m 32s
Create a gauge visualization4m 38s
Use a slicer to filter visualizations3m 35s
Sort, copy, and paste visualizations1m 53s
Download and use a custom visual from the gallery3m 44s
Create a smart narrative with AI1m 53s