From the course: Power BI Essential Training
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Publish an app - Power BI Tutorial
From the course: Power BI Essential Training
Publish an app
- [Gini] Collaboration is one reason to create a workspace, but what are now called workspaces were ones called app workspaces for a reason because you can only publish applications out of workspaces other than my workspace. When I swing over to the Sales Analytic workspace, I have now created not just my data set, but a simple report, what I could do in five minutes or less, and a dashboard with two of the tiles created from visualizations from my report. In this workspace then, I can create an app, there's even a button for it in the upper right, and this is pretty slick. When I create my app, I don't have to include all of the items that I've created. I have to include a data set. I could add the report to the app, but omit the dashboard. Or perhaps we've created 20 reports and we're choosing the final four that we want to include in the app. Click create app, enter a summary, and remember, now, that this summary isn't just for your team, it will be seen by other people in your…
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Overview: Sharing reports and dashboards3m 19s
Publish a report to a website or portal44s
Embed a report in SharePoint Online2m 55s
Add a Power BI report tab to Microsoft Teams3m 21s
Share a dashboard or report3m 15s
Create a workspace for collaboration1m 55s
Add users to a workspace3m 24s
Use a workspace2m 16s
Publish an app5m 39s