From the course: Practical Engineering

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Engineering hydrology and design storms

Engineering hydrology and design storms

From the course: Practical Engineering

Engineering hydrology and design storms

- Although it's an entirely normal and natural process on earth, flooding represents a huge problem for people. Every year. we collectively throw billions of dollars essentially into the trash because of flood damage to property, buildings, vehicles, and equipment. But it's not just private property that's affected. Nearly every part of the constructed environment is vulnerable in some way to heavy rainfall. Culverts, bridges, sewers, canals, dams and drainage infrastructure, they all have to be designed to withstand at least some amount of flooding. But how do we decide how much is enough and how do we estimate the magnitude of any particular storm event? Hey, I'm Grady and this is Practical Engineering. On today's episode, we're talking about synthetic floods for designing infrastructure. (upbeat music) (mellow music) A big portion of the constructed environment has at least something to do with drainage. If it's…
