From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate
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Overview of real estate market cycles - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Pre-investing: Before Investing in Real Estate
Overview of real estate market cycles
- The housing crash of 2008 seemed to catch the world entirely by surprise. Phrases like financial tsunami were used to further encourage the belief that all of it was unpredictable. But in reality, the buildup to this real estate market crash could have been tracked accurately, and as well, predicted to a surprising degree of accuracy. You see, the real cause of the crisis is much older, much more interesting, and much, much more profitable for investors like you and I to understand it and be able to predict the end of this current boom that we're already well in the process of. In the late 1800s, a man by the name of Henry George noticed a very consistent cycle that real estate markets seem to move through. And what he found has been repeated ever since, almost like clockwork, minus a few periods of extreme social turmoil, for example the World War II and the hyperinflationary years in 1970s. Short of a major global war, we can be fairly confident that this cycle is destined to…
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