From the course: Predictive Customer Analytics

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Predict customers who might leave

Predict customers who might leave - Python Tutorial

From the course: Predictive Customer Analytics

Predict customers who might leave

- When it comes to customer attrition, the best approach a business can take is to correctly identify customers who might leave and take preventative action to keep them. You might have noticed that Roger has been calling of late to complain about the quality of service. Jessica has called you last week quoting a competitive price and whether you can match it. Do these actions mean that they are going to leave you? They may or they may not. It would help for you to really understand customer behavior so that you can focus your retention efforts on the right customer. The goal for this use case is to identify customers who are at risk of leaving you. You can then either classify them as at risk, not at risk, or actually give them a risk score as shown in the slide. The data for this use case will be customer demographics and customer history records. For each customer, there will be one history record with the summary of…
