From the course: Predictive Customer Analytics

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Use case: Predict CLV

Use case: Predict CLV

- [Instructor] In this video, we are going to see how we can predict the customer lifetime value for new customers based on models that we will base on existing customer data. The data in this file is Data-04-05-customer-lifetime-value.csv. Let's take a look at the data that we have. We have one line per customer for existing mature customers. Customers who have been with us maybe for two to three years. And we have the first six months of revenue generated by these customers month by month. We also have the customers' lifetime value. CLV can be a three-year overall revenue that they generated. That is something we can decide based on the length to which your customers stay with your business. This is the data we are going to use and we are going to use this to build a linear regression model that we can then use to predict customer lifetime value. The notebook for this exercise is NB-04-05-predicting-CLV. We…
