From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

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Changing content and position: Slip and slide

Changing content and position: Slip and slide

From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

Changing content and position: Slip and slide

- Let's now talk about slip and slide edits. Two more types of trimming would allow us to change the content and the position of our shots within the sequence. Let's take a look at how. All right I'm going to load the pre-slip slide sequence, and I'll come down here to the first marker. I'm going to play over this and let's take a look. - Ready to cure your spirit and to look after your needs. I've found at other places as well, there's some... - So I think this is fine, but in screening the footage, I know that he smiles at some point. So I'd like him to smile a bit when he talks about curing your spirit. So let's make this edit using a slip trim. Now to help explain this concept, I'm going to do a match frame on this shot. So I'm going to just park on the shot, and then press F and it loads this shot into the source monitor, and from here to here is actually what's edited into the timeline, but everything before this…
