From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
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Keyframing effects over time
From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
Keyframing effects over time
- [Instructor] Let's talk about how to key frame our video effects over time. I'm going to go into my 8.7 bin and I'm actually going to load my post-video effects key frame. And I want to show you a title sequence where I have a few key framed effects that help to highlight the title in an artsy way. All right, so let's just take a brief look at this. I'm going to just select my time-lapse clip and go up to Effect Controls. So we have two effects. We have a Gaussian blur and bevel edges, and usually bevel edges is just a way to place a frame on a shot, but when you key frame it, it creates this interesting look. Notice that it animates in. And then when it reaches this point, it stays at this value. And then it animates out. In addition to the moving beveled edges, you have some key frame values around both light angle and light color. So watch, you kind of have that light blue come in and then it transforms to dark…
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Video effects: Correcting and changing your footage4m 29s
Using basic motion effects5m 31s
Working with transition effects6m 46s
Applying and modifying video effects4m 59s
Saving and sharing effects3m 32s
Working with adjustment layers and nests6m
Adding effects to master clips4m 26s
Keyframing effects over time8m 16s
Masking and tracking effects7m 31s