From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
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Looking at the finished project in full
From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)
Looking at the finished project in full
(light piano music) - It's the first thing I look at, that bay every morning, It's never been the same twice, but yet it's always consistently there, you know, always ready to cure your spirit and to look after your needs. I've found it other places as well. There's so much beauty in the world, but I don't know, this is just the one that I'm so connected with. (light piano music) I started out with a license to recreationally fish oysters, cuz that was relaxing and I loved oysters. So then I had the opportunity to move that to a commercial license. Started doing that just as a hobby, cuz it relaxed me. (engine idles) I go out and we fuel up the harvester. You want to fire her up? (light piano music) A sled that slides along the bottom, so your water comes out on an angle, hits the bottom, causes a turbulence, which moves the oysters and the shellfish onto a flat wire belt chain. And that just brings it up to…
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