From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

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Touring the Source Monitor

Touring the Source Monitor

- [Instructor] We just explored how to work in our project panel. Now we're going to take a look at how we bring our media from the project panel into the source monitor in preparation for editing. All right, so I'm where I left off in the previous movie. And my project panel is maximized. So let's minimize that. I'll press tilde, and it shrinks down. And right now, I'm looking in my boat bay B-roll. All right. You can bring any B-roll or any shots that you like into the source monitor, but just choose one. So I'm going to just load my first clip here. One way to load a clip into the source monitor is to double click, and it loads into the source monitor. Another way is to drag and drop. And if you know you're going to be working with a lot of clips, you can actually just preload them all into the source monitor at once. So if I know that I'm going to be working exclusively in this boat bay B-roll bin, I'm going to…
