From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

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Using basic motion effects

Using basic motion effects

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at how we can use Premier's built-in motion effects to rescale and reposition video elements in our frame. I'm going to go into my 8.1 bin and load Pre motion fx 1. And here, I have a montage of oyster farming shots from the boat, let me play it for you. (upbeat piano music) All right, instead of having them appear one after another I'd like to create a composite where we have a grid of nine images appear one at a time until we've filled the entire video frame. So to set up for that, I'm going to first move each one of these up onto a higher track, and then trim out. And so, I'm just going to drag all of these up. I can either drag, or I can use my keyboard. That is an Option + up arrow or an Alt + up arrow on a PC. And then, I'll trim this out, and we'll just keep doing that down the line, Option + up and trim. Okay, and to save time, I've already done this here. And when I play this, this will…
