From the course: Premiere Pro Essential Training (2022–2024)

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Working in the Essential Graphics panel

Working in the Essential Graphics panel

- [Instructor] Let's talk about how to design titles in the Essential Graphics panel, which offers some more options and capabilities than the basic titler we just explored. I'm going to go into my 11.3 bin and load my Essential Graphics sequence, and here is the very basic title that we just designed. - It's never been the same twice, but yet it's always- - [Instructor] All right, so I'm going to select it and then go to effect controls, and then I'm also going to open my Essential Graphics window by coming to window and Essential Graphics. And I just want to start by drawing some comparisons between these two spaces. In effect controls, I have three layers. I have my Charles Purdy text layer, my oyster farmer text layer, and my rectangle shape, and you can see that I also have these three layers here in Essential Graphics. The structure in effect controls is that if I would like to edit my Charles Purdy text, I twirl down,…
