From the course: Programming Foundations: Data Structures
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Introduction to data structures - Python Tutorial
From the course: Programming Foundations: Data Structures
Introduction to data structures
- So far, we've talked about a few basic data types: ints, floats, and Boolean. These let us store a single piece of data, whether that's a single number or a single piece of text. What happens if we want to store more than one int or more than one string? In fact, what happens if we want to store a list of floats or a series of numbers? This is where data structures come in. Data structures are containers. They allow us to combine several pieces of data into a single structure. If you've ever been to an organization store, you know there are a lot of different ways to organize things. There are containers that are wide, containers that are tall, containers that are skinny, and containers that are short. There are containers with different types of bins and organizers with different types of inserts. Data structures are made up of pieces of data, so those ints and floats we were talking about before. And they have a…