From the course: Programming Foundations: Design Patterns

What you should know

- To be successful in this course, you should have experience with a programming language like Java, C#, Python, Swift or another object-oriented language. During the course, we'll be looking at small snippets of code. We've also provided the examples we talk about in this course as complete examples that you can download in the exercise files. There, you'll be able to see the full context of how that code is implemented in Java and how each snippet interacts with the larger body of code. - You'll be using simple, UML style class diagrams to describe each of the patterns and Java to implement the examples. You don't need prior experience with Java but it will be helpful. We've kept examples fairly simple, so you should be able to easily transfer the ideas to your favorite object-oriented programming language. - We won't be using a specific IDE for this course, so if you'd like any additional information on how to compile and run Java code on your own, we'd recommend you take a look at some of the Java courses available like Java Essential Training or Java IDE Overview courses. Both of these courses will get you started with Java if you want to compile and run the examples. - This course builds on the principles of object-oriented programming, but at any point during this course you need a review of inheritance, polyno-rithms, abstraction or encapsulation, take a look at Programming Foundations Object-Oriented Design for a good overview.
