From the course: React: Server-Side Rendering

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Solution: Why use Node or Express for SSR?

Solution: Why use Node or Express for SSR? - React.js Tutorial

From the course: React: Server-Side Rendering

Solution: Why use Node or Express for SSR?

(upbeat music) - [Narrator] Think about this scenario, you've been using Express for all your server needs and its benefits such as routes, HTTP helpers, such as caching, et cetera. And you want to use React and would like to have SSR capabilities on top, well, this is a prime reason why, you would use these together. So, in short, if you're well versed in React and want to add these extra functions from Express and SSR features, as we demonstrated in this chapter with Next.js, it is possible and definitely a great addition to your tool set. And you can also add Redux, if you'd like to, a winning combination.
