From the course: Responsible AI: Principles and Practical Applications

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AI in climate

AI in climate

- This video covers the use of AI for climate resilience, from modeling and forecasting to inform policy and decision making to optimizing the deployment of clean energy infrastructure and assisting the development of greener technology. We will also consider how AI contributes to climate change itself due to the energy consumed to train and run data intensive models. To explain how AI is used to study climate change I'd like to introduce you to Dr. Solomon Hsiang, Chancellor's Professor in the Goldman School of Public Policy and Director of the Global Policy Laboratory at UC Berkeley. He co-founded the Climate Impact Lab and is a National Geographic Explorer and his team is integrating econometrics, spatial data science and machine learning to answer questions that are central to rationally managing planetary resources. - [Solomon] When you think about, you know like natural disasters affecting societies, and those are…
