From the course: Revit 2017 Essential Training: MEP (Metric)

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Creating spaces

Creating spaces

- [Voiceover] Spaces. We put a couple in, but I want to show you how they tie in with the architectural Room Name and Number. See, we always want the Space Tag to read the architectural Room Name and Number, 'cus that way when the architect changes the Room Name or Number it will update in our model. But the problem is, it's not automatically tied in. So, our Space Name and our Room Name and Number are going to be different. So, let's go down to floor plan level one. What I want to do is I want to zoom in here, and I want to tag everything in one shot. So, what we can do if we go to the Annotate tab and if we click Tag All, I want to scroll down to Space Tags and I want to click Apply and I want to click OK. It will skip a couple times. That's pretty cool, but what we have to do now is we have to come in and marry these up. A couple things I'd like to do though is make some adjustments. For Storage 103A, I'm going to select this tag, and I'm just going to grab this move button, and…
