From the course: Revit 2017 Essential Training: MEP (Metric)

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Touring the user interface

Touring the user interface

So let's take a look at the Revit interface. If you're an AutoCAD user, you're gonna have to take a step back, take a deep breath, and learn that you're not in AutoCAD anymore. So the way we're broken down is this, as of 2014, Revit started combining architecture, structure and our stuff, MEP. They call it Systems. This is broken down into a tabs system, so if we click on Systems, we have our tabs, and then we have what are called Panels underneath the tabs. Obviously the panels contain the icons that we need. There are some typed commands, for example if I want an Air Terminal or a Diffuser, Revit will show us what the keyboard shortcut is, but it doesn't have a keyboard shortcut for everything. Now if I want to go to my HVAC properties, you notice that we have these little down facing arrows, and we can go to our settings. So for example under HVAC, if we click on Mechanical Settings, you'll see that all of our mechanical settings are in here, and obviously we'll be going back and…
