From the course: Revit 2019: Essential Training for MEP (Imperial)

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Importing details

Importing details

- [Instructor] There's an awesome way to keep your details organized that I'd like to show you. Wouldn't it be a pain to keep importing the same AutoCAD details, then exploding them, then messing with them every time you needed that detail. You also have to remember which job to steal it from. Let's take a look at inserting views from another file. What we'll do in this video is use a master detail file you downloaded from the site, to import details and schedules. The first thing we need to do is go to the Insert tab. And instead of Load Family, this time we're going to do something a little different. We're going to click Insert from File, then we're going to insert Views from File. Then we're going to scroll to where we keep our file, we're going to find our master details file. This file contains every detail that we use typically on a project. Click Open. Notice now, we get a nice list of all the details that we can bring in. This one looks familiar. Let's just click on…
