From the course: Revit 2019: Essential Training for MEP (Imperial)
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Optimization - Revit MEP Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2019: Essential Training for MEP (Imperial)
- [Instructor] There are a few different ways to get fabrication parts into our models. One way, the way I do it, is simply model as you normally would then we physically will convert what you modeled into parts. The objective here is to model some duct and pipe the old fashioned way, then we'll optimize this into construction parts. In Revit, under projects, let's go to mechanical template. We need to load our fabrication parts into our model, you may or may not have this dialogue open. Go to your systems tab. Now under fabrication let's click the fabrication settings button. For the configuration let's click the dropdown here. Now I want to grab Imperial Content V305. I'm going to grab the HVAC stuff then I'm going to click add. Now I'm going to click okay. It takes a second. Now under fabrication let's click fabrication part and here it is. Perfect. Now under systems let's go duct. I'm just going to model it in any old way that I want. Maybe change my offset to four feet. Change it…
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