From the course: Revit 2019: Essential Training for MEP (Metric)

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Creating spaces

Creating spaces

- [Narrator] Let's talk about spaces. We added a couple but we didn't really discuss what they are or what they do. The reason we don't put rooms into an MEP model is because space is really a lot more information than the room is going to. Really what the architect cares about is the name, the number and maybe the square footage. What a lighting engineer, an electrical engineer, or a mechanical engineer cares about is actually the volume and the lighting and the loading that we have in our space. So that means, we want to put a space in but we still want it to read the same name and number that the architect has. So let's do that. Let's jump into Revit. Under Projects, we'll go Open. We'll grab Electrical Project 3, then click Open. Now, I want to tag everything in one shot. If we go to the Annotate tab, and we select Tag All, let's scroll down to where we find Space Tags. Click Apply. Then click OK. Zoom in on Office 101. I've actually changed this tag up a little bit. Select your…
