From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Adding duct and pipe hangers

Adding duct and pipe hangers

- [Instructor] All right, this one is my favorite. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent modeling hangers that have half the functionality of the hangers I'm about to show you. So really, the MEP fabrication parts, I think the most valuable part of it are the hangers. So let's get started and add some. Let's jump into Revit, under models, let's go open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files. Let's go to fabrication hangers. Now let's click open. Let's make sure we go to a 3D view. And we still have it sectioned off a little bit. Let's start adding some hangers. So in the MEP fabrication parts palette, under service, let's select ductwork four inch WG. For the palette, let's kick the rectangular drop down. Let's go down to hangers. Now we can choose whatever hanger we want. I'll grab a strut hanger right here. Now what happens if we come into here, we can find that piece of duct and this hanger is…
