From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Adding fabrication parts manually

Adding fabrication parts manually - Revit MEP Tutorial

From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

Adding fabrication parts manually

- [Instructor] I might not have mentioned this before, but once you've converted or optimized a typical Revit system in the fabrication parts, there's no turning back. That's okay though, because we have an entire menu of parts to choose from. So this video will have us adding elements using the fabrication parts menu as opposed to creating traditional Revit components and then converting them over. So let's jump into Revit. Under Models, let's go open. Browse where you're keeping your exercise files. Let's grab Fabrication Manually Adding Parts, click Open. Excellent, now we can either do this in 2D or 3D. Notice that it puts some nice little boot on there. That's pretty cool. So I want to kind of extend these. So maybe I'll come down to this end here. Our little catalog is not here anymore, that's okay. Yours might be, mine's not. I'm going to go to Systems. Let's just go to Fabrication Parts. It's going to add it.…
