From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP
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Creating a system - Revit MEP Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP
Creating a system
- [Instructor] Once you start getting into systems for water site components, you're going to find that the systems are basically already named. The objective of this video is to go and find some systems and basically rename them. Then we'll look at 'em in the system browser. Under models, let's go open, browse where you're keeping your exercise files. Let's select plumbing, project systems, click open. Let's come down to this area here. Now I don't really want that section marker. I'm going to delete it. Select that section marker and hit delete. Section two will be deleted. That's fine with me. Click Okay. Now what I'd like to do is I'm going to hold on my control key, select my water heater. Select my pump. Click on the selection box button right here. Hit escape a few times. I'm going to select my pump right here. Click on the piping systems tab right here and the system name's going to be a domestic cold…
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Setting up a plumbing view4m 24s
Adding fixtures, components, and domestic supply piping8m 45s
Refining piping settings2m 35s
Creating routing preferences3m 11s
Adding sanitary sloped piping7m 54s
Adding vent piping4m 5s
Manipulating and creating filters4m 56s
Adding equipment6m 55s
Creating a system3m 38s
Adding pipe accessories3m 36s
Tagging items5m 57s