From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP
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Importing AutoCAD - Revit MEP Tutorial
From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP
Importing AutoCAD
- [Instructor] I suppose you have some old AutoCAD details laying around that you need to throw away because you're using Revit now. Don't worry, you don't have to quite do that yet. As a matter of fact, you can use them directly in Revit. Let's take a look at importing CAD. Well, first to import an AutoCAD detail, inquiry its information. Under Models, let's go open. Browse we're you're keeping your exercise files. Let's go to Revit Workflow_Importing and click Open. Let's go to the View tab. Let's go to Drafting View. Now the trick is here the scale. If we're bringing something in, we have to know what the scales of the AutoCAD drawing we're bringing in. I'm going to guess it's going to be one-to-one, 12 inch equals one foot. For the name, all caps, we'll call it TYPICAL AHU. Click OK. Go to Insert. Let's go to Import CAD. Browse where your keeping your exercise files, and I'll grab this det_101. Now…
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Creating drafting views8m 32s
Importing AutoCAD4m 15s
Importing details2m 30s
Creating sheets6m 19s
Exporting to PDF3m 23s
Creating schedules6m 13s
Using phasing5m 32s
Working with text4m 28s
Working with dimensions5m 6s
Looking at mechanical settings4m 14s
Simple modify techniques4m 1s
Making and controlling revisions5m 38s