From the course: Revit 2023: Essential Training for MEP

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Panel schedules

Panel schedules

- [Instructor] Panel schedules are a unique kind of schedule in Revit. It's pretty cool actually because you produce the panel schedule simply by clicking on the panel and click Create. There's a few things to know about panel schedules before you do that though. The objective of this video is to configure and create a panel schedule. Under Models, let's go Open. Browse to where you're keeping your exercise files and in chapter two, mosey on over to the Panel Schedule. Click Open. In the Project Browser, under Electrical Power, let's go down to Level 1 Power. Let's zoom in on our electrical room. Let's select this panel right here. This is our panel PP-1. Notice that we can go up here to Create Panel Schedules, so click on Create Panel Schedules. Let's use a default template and we'll look at what that is. Notice now that we have the two circuits in here that we sent to it. It knows where the location is,…
