From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows

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Creating a placeholder component family

Creating a placeholder component family - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows

Creating a placeholder component family

- [Instructor] Let's start by creating a very simple component family that will act as a placeholder for the busing station. In some projects, especially projects with a lot of equipment, it can be a good idea early on to make generic placeholder families for all the different kinds of equipment that you can reuse over and over again. Let's go to File, New, and then when we hover over the arrow tab, we go down to Family. If you are prompted to save the project, go ahead. Now, the first thing we need to decide, although it can be changed later, is family category. These are things like casework, furniture, door, window, and Revit approaches these families in different ways depending on the category. Since we don't have to reuse this placeholder family over and over again like we might in some projects, let's go ahead and choose the furniture category. Then I'll give Revit a little bit more information about how to treat this family once it's in our project. If you want to be more…
