From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows
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Editing a placeholder component family - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows
Editing a placeholder component family
- [Instructor] This box looks a little short to me. So let's go in and modify the properties of this family before even saving it. Up here is the Family Types button. Within a Family definition, you can have several different types. For example, you can create a door once, and then have five different versions of that door that are all associated with each other, and are modified only in door width, or door heighth. So in this case, the height got left right where it started as the default extrusion length of one foot. Let's make that three feet, which will be a comfortable working height. I also like to name this type. I'm going to call it six foot Bus Table. So in the future if I have another use for one of these box-shaped placeholder families, I can just create a new type of this family, change the name, and modify the dimensions. Alright, now that's looking more like the shape that we want. Let's save this family. So I'll go into 2019, Chapter Three, and save this as Generic…
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Simple 3D placeholders1m 10s
Creating a placeholder component family5m 49s
Editing a placeholder component family2m 24s
Labeling a component family4m 22s
Adding parametric detail to a component family4m 23s
Instance parameters for variability within a type3m 26s
Topography and context4m 16s