From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows
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Getting started with the wild - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit: AR and VR Workflows
Getting started with the wild
- [Instructor] The Wild is a relatively new tool that is quickly becoming my recommendation of choice for designers who are wanting to take their immersive tech beyond simple visualization. The Wild lets users interact, design and annotate more richly than the other apps on the market. It let's you import 3D assets and projects and explore them either individually or as a group. It lets you sketch and model in VR, take pictures through a virtual camera to make renderings, annotate your designs, and then export the results. Let's get started. If you have a license, either individually or through your organization, you can go to and download both the app and the Revit add-in. Both of those are simple and straightforward to install. I already have them installed, so I'll go into it now. Here in The Wild app, we can see our Teams, Projects, Spaces, Assets and Collections. Over here on the left, I can see the team…
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