From the course: Revit: Generative Design
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Data.Remember node - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit: Generative Design
Data.Remember node
- [Instructor] During a Generative Design study, Dynamo has to run the same graph many times to generate different options. If it needs to access Revit elements with each run, the computations that are required can be quite heavy. The Data.Remember node assists with this by storing data for later use. So let's take a closer look at it in this lesson. I currently have the Revit exercise file open to this lesson, which simply has a wall in it. We'll use this wall to test the remember node, so let's go ahead and open up a new Dynamo script. The Data.Remember node is found within the Generative Design section, and then data, and here's this remember node. This node can be used to store data by storing the information within the Dynamo file. This is however limited to texts, numbers, and geometric data such as solids, points, and surfaces. So let's use it to store information about the wall in Revit. We can do this by using…
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