From the course: Revit: Generative Design

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Refining the variables

Refining the variables - Revit Tutorial

From the course: Revit: Generative Design

Refining the variables

- We now have a number of solutions that might suit our design problem. However, you might come across occasions where the solutions are close, but not quite what you're after. So in this lesson, let's refine one of the solutions by creating another study, and then incorporating it into our project. In the last lesson, we generated five different results, which were quite varied. Let's say we liked the result that had 12 desks, but we weren't too happy with the Views to Outside Score. This value is determined by the average distance of a seat to the window, and whether the seat is facing the window within a view cone. The best seat has a value of one, and the desks with no view, get scores of zero. All other seats that have a view to the outside, fall within this range. So we can see that there're a few seats with pretty poor results. By looking at the variables that we use to generate this result, which are a…
