From the course: Revit: Sprinkler Design
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Adding schedules
From the course: Revit: Sprinkler Design
Adding schedules
- [Instructor] It would be nice if there was some way Revit just knew how to itemize the sprinklers in your model. You know, make like a schedule displaying the sprinklers and some information about them. Well, of course Revit does that. To get started, let's jump into Revit. In the project browser we'll go down to level one. But that almost doesn't matter right now. Let's go to our view tab. In the view tab, let's click the schedules dropdown. Let's select schedules, quantities. For the category, let's scroll down 'til we find sprinklers and select it. Let's click OK. Now, what I wanna do is find count, let's add that. Let's scroll down 'til we find type. Let's add that. And type comments, let's add that. With just these three selected, let's see what that gives us. Let's click on OK. See, here's our sprinklers. I'm gonna go ahead and right click on one of these. Say, for example, this sprinkler right here, we're not sure what that is. I'm gonna select it. And up here under element…
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