From the course: Revit: Sprinkler Design

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Creating a 3D riser

Creating a 3D riser

- [Instructor] It sure would be cool if we could put an isometric riser diagram of our mechanical room onto a sheet. Let's do that. By duplicating our 3D view, we can actually lock it into place at a 30 degree angle. Then, we can pop some notes on it and drag it onto a sheet. The first thing I'd like to do, is jump into Revit, go to our 3D drawing. Let's go to mechanical sprinkler floor plan. Let's go down to level one. Let's zoom in on a mechanical room. Let's make sure our thin lines is unchecked. Now, I wanna go to the view tab. I'm gonna click the callout button. I'm gonna pick a callout, right around this room, right here. Once my callout's in, I'm gonna select it, and I'm gonna move my bubble up and out of the way, so that I can see it. I'm gonna double click on the bubble, and it's gonna open it up. I can't change the scale, so I think I know what that means. We need to find out callout. On our mechanical, HVAC, let's drill in, let's drill into floor plans, let's right click on…
