From the course: Revit Structure 2016 Essential Training
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Creating a column schedule - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Revit Structure 2016 Essential Training
Creating a column schedule
- You are about to find that Revit keeps track of everything. Remember that column offset? Revit seems to know exactly what you're doing. What I want to explore here is just how Revit creates a column schedule. We will automatically generate a column schedule then we'll tweak some of the settings to make it look right. So to get started, let's jump into Revit. Let's hop into our structural model. You go down to level one structural plan. What I'd like to do is go to the view tab. Under the view tab we have a schedules drop down. Let's go down to graphical columns schedule. Revit produces the schedule immediately. Let's set our detail level to fine. Revit shows each schedule, the base height, and the top height. What we need to do, though, is filter this schedule so it doesn't show any concrete. To do that, let's look at our properties. Let's scroll down and look at some of the other items such as grid appearance. Click on edit for grid appearance and we'll keep 30 millimeters for…
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